Monday, March 3, 2008

I Got A Painted Pony!

The Vino feels inadequate. :)

Dudes at Enterprise (where I rented the Silverado) helped me unload the thang. Nice people, they is. And then, I rode off, into town, to get a feel for her. I'm still trying to figure out what James was talking about... I mean, sure, it's a bit heavier than what I'm used to, but the handling is about what I expected... even at low speed. Backing it up is probably the trickiest thang I've done so far, but at no time did it feel squirrely enough that I thought it would get away from me.

Okay, got to adjust the mirrors, and see if I can get that goofy-lookin' windscreen offa there. ;)


  1. I hope it has a nice long happy life in Nashville. Leave the screen alone! And get a cover for it!
    Nice meeting you, ride safe.
    (And I told you it handled fine!)

  2. Haw! Thanks for everything, Scott -- but especially your patience and understanding. I've enjoyed the hell out of it, today, even if I only took about a 12-mile jaunt into town and back, and ran a couple of local errands on it. Right now, we have a storm rollin' in, or I'd be right back on it... maybe not on the Interstates, yet, but definitely on Briley Pkwy! :)

  3. Heh, wait til you hit 65'll put the screen back on :)

  4. Already done 65. No problem. I am substantial (and due to heavy smoking, my chest is shaped like a boat hull).

  5. (and due to heavy smoking, my chest is shaped like a boat hull).


    Man,the people dwarfs your vino. Imagine reading that out of context. :D

    No windshiled == good call.

  6. ooops, Superstarkidsdaycare is me, we are openi ng one in about a month :)
