Here's an interesting question: what does American beef treated with growth hormones have to do with the price of European motorcycles in the United States? The answer, surprisingly enough, could be plenty. It seems that the European Union has refused to lift a longstanding ban on the steroid-infused beef from the US despite a World Trade Organization order to end it. In retaliation, the US Trade Representative is considering adding a 100 percent tariff to European motorcycles with engines sized between 51cc and 500ccs.Learn to love t3h Kymco, kids!
Hey, I have a Vino for sale...
Just one comment. Europe has always refused american beef treated with growth hormone and will always refuse. Europeans do not understand why americans accept to eat this kind of meat. The effects of growth hormones are obvious. Just ask to a european girl what make her different than an american girl she will answer to you that all american girls have bigger boops. Now ask the question to a european man and he will answer americans are taller and bigger. Now you know what those hormones do and why the europeans will always refuse to eat this beeeepp.
ReplyDeleteEuropean scooters were already expensive.... now you'll need to be an MD to buy them.
ReplyDeleteThe stuff one learns on the internets....
reticulum -- I agree with the Europeans on this -- I wish I were wealthy enough to get unaltered meat here in the U.S.
Southern Beale. My own experience.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to have come across someone who has the same enthusiasm as me for the scooters!