Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nashville Bohemia

This is the epicenter, apparently. The pentagonal arrangement of crosswalks in this Google Maps photo is known locally as Five Points, and has a number of groovy shops, bars and other nifty hipster venues within a few blocks. At the bottom of the photo is 3 Crow Bar, and up at the top where the dots are is Red Door East (I was there today to meet someone to pick up a certificate good for an HCI helmet from Red Dog Scooters that I won in the Save Cowboy Keith silent auction). 

Anyway, just wanted to let you know of a cool place to hang out and explore in East Nashville, which is nowhere near where I live, but close enough to ESS that I'm over there quite often.

1 comment:

  1. groove records is an amazing record shop btw, if you are in love with the vinyl. next door to bongo java i think?
